
Another assumption the Better Box Demand Automation Computer (DAC) disposes of is that one must sacrifice comfort for savings. This is true on the usage over time (kWh) electric plan you're currently on where the goal is using less so as to not pay more (in kWh charges). But when you successfully manage your demand (kW) on a Demand plan the extra kWh it takes to run your AC units becomes relatively insignificant when you recall your cost of kWh is being reduced by over half. This means you could manage your demand on a Demand plan and DOUBLE your consumption of kWh and still enjoy a LOWER bill. So, in this respect, kWh is no longer your concern.

What is now your concern is demand (kW) and keeping your average demand low during defined intervals within defined peak periods, as defined by your utility. And the good news is that in "demand (kW) world," running your AC units MORE will save you MORE money. This is because when you keep your home cooler - we recommend 71 degrees during summer and, likewise, as hot as you desire during winter - you're using your home like a battery by retaining the cool (or hot) air stored between your home's walls instead of letting that air escape and having to then replenish it. This approach entails your AC units kicking in for shorter spurts to maintain that temperature and these short spurts chew up less demand (kW) in your demand window leaving room for a host of other demand events while still being able to maintain a low billable demand average.

Even more specifically speaking, you would need a Demand Automation Computer (DAC) to accomplish this. You may receal the four AC example on our "Automation" page. It involves a periodic 6kW demand spike for an approach like this to work and a Load Controller would never permit an instance of 6kW with a 4kW target, making the union of savings and comfort categorically impossible. Only a Demand Automation Computer (DAC) can deliver your dream temperatures at less cost than what you currently pay by allowing strategic instances of 6kW while maintaining a billable average of 4kW.

By adding a Better Box, savings and comfort are now in a direct relationship and this is a massive value addition in Arizona's blistering summers, so much so that you would likely jump at the opportunity to enjoy your dream temperature if told your bill wouldn't go up, much less that it would ensure it goes down.


This also means no more need to turn everything off during peak hours, or play the super-cooling game in the hours leading up to peak hours that leave you freezing just prior to peak hours and sweltering toward the end of peak hours. Wouldn't you rather forget peak hours even exist while basking in your dream temperature year round while saving 30-60%?

Just as revolutionary is our company, "Demand Better."

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